Welcome to BestAround

Welcome to BestAround
What is BestAround?
BestAround.com is a community to recommend ideas, knowledge and resources that will make others lives better. If you find something interesting or helpful online, share it with the BestAround Community. It is also a place for content creators to share their creations online and be rewarded for them. Businesses and others may also engage in friendly competition for the title of "BestAround".
What BestAround is NOT ...
BestAround is a Business Directory and Recommendation Engine ... not a form of open Social Media. We chose a a common format that most people are already familiar with, however this is not the place to store family albums or insult others.
What about Free Speech?
We are firm believers in Free Speech and we do not believe in censorship based on points of view. Nevertheless, while we all have the right to speak, none of us has the right to force others to listen. All posts on BestAround are moderated by the community itself, based on community reactions to each post and comment. Your reaction feedback is not only important, its built into the algorithm.
Please Think Before You Post...
Before posting, ask yourself if your post contribution is valuable to the community. You will be rewarded for your contributions and if others like it or share it, it will be rewarded and seen more. However, as more members dislike a post, the post will automatically be demoted and seen less. So, please think carefully about what you say or post and whether others will appreciate your contribution.
The Rules and Guidelines will be determined soon. Check Back For Updates.